Growing a full bead comes with many trials and tribulations. Errant self trims that result in taking it all off and starting from scratch, the realisation that the barber has better tools and experience and is therefore worth every penny in the longer term maintenance. Learning curves, all of them.
The Beardstache’, is a shortish mowser kept just a little longer than the stubble on the rest of your face. A classic workmanlike moustache, paired with a lightly developing beard. A look that suggests you did have a well-kept moustache, but a week or so of fishing, defending your property and generally being rugged has let it slip a little.
The question isn’t whether a beard brush or a beard comb is better, it’s how you can use both to give yourself the best looking and healthiest beard possible.
It’s February 2021, and almost Valentine’s Day. No matter where you stand on the holiday—for it, against it, indifferent—there is one thing that is irrevocably true: it’s the perfect time to up your grooming game.