
Tweezerman G.E.A.R. (US)



More than 35 years ago, Tweezerman began its mission to bring high quality, innovative, and best in class tools to the beauty industry. Tweezerman’s position as the expert in beauty tools has empowered the brand, setting the highest standards in reliability, precision, and service in their category.

Finally a range of grooming tools designed specifically for men.  We are pleased to introduce G.E.A.R – top quality, cutting edge, men’s grooming tools that get the job done.

Developed by the legendary tool brand Tweezerman (which caters to all women's grooming needs), G.E.A.R delivers serious, high-performance tools that can be trusted each time, every time. Whether you are looking to Tweeze, Clip, Cut, File or Sculpt, the G.E.A.R collection has the tool you need to get it done.