Scent Profile:
A take on the traditional Bay RUm scent, probably the most universal and traditional smelling scent in the range. A comfortable choice if you like to keep within the boundaries.
Beard Oil works on the hair to soften and to strengthen the hair strands, this helps to prevent split ends and brittleness. The oil also targets the dead flaky skin under the beard. The "bearddruff" as we like to call it is produced from an imbalance or lack of Sebum oil. Beard Oil assists in balancing and adding the naturally produced oil so that it can reach to the ends of the hair where it can keep it healthy and glossy.
Lejonjon oil is lightweight and is purposely made to condition and make shinny the beard hair. The lightweight formula won't weight down your beard or make it feel greasy.
Organic Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Bay Rum Fragrance
Made in Christchurch, New Zealand